Procedure for adult diagnostic assessment


Before the Office Appointment:

  • You will be provided with a Consent Form to review, complete, sign and send into the office by post or email.
  • Before the office session, we will gather some background information to help clarify particular concerns by sending you some questions and requesting relevant documents (e.g. any previous assessments reports).
  • You will also be sent similar questions about you to be completed by a family member (parent if possible) spouse or close friend to contribute to us gaining a more in-depth picture.
  • After thoroughly reviewing this information, relevant ‘formal’ questionnaires will be posted out for you to complete and post back into the office. There may be forms for your nominated family member/friend to fill in and return also.
  • Questionnaires will be scored and the information received will guide the planning for the office session.
  • The lead Psychologist will organise the office part of the assessment date with you directly via email.

The day of the office assessment:

  • You will come to the office along with your designated other informant (parent preferred) to meet with the Psychologist. If you do not have someone to attend the appointment with you, this will not exclude you fro getting an assessment. There will likely be an Assistant Psychologist or a Doctoral Psychology Trainee present for note-taking.
  • The appointment will consist of a diagnostic interview based on the information and test results gathered to date. Relevant assessment tools, including the Diagnostic & Statistical Manual that is used by Mental Health practitioners, guide the interview.
  • The beginning of the session is casual, allowing time for you to get comfortable.
  • The Psychologist will review the purpose of the day and what will happen in the session.
  • You can take a break on request for any reason.
  • You are encouraged to be an active participant in the interview process, to clarify points or ask questions. All persons present will be given the opportunity to present their perspectives. When appropriate, you or your informant may be asked to wait in the adjoining room for 15 minutes or so while we speak alone to you or your informant.
  • The interview session usually lasts 90-180 minutes.
  • Typically we provide our impressions on the day. In some cases, we require additional time to analyse all of the data prior to giving a definitive diagnosis (or not).
  • In some cases, a second session will be held to administer formal psychometric tests, primarily cognitive and academic functioning to contribute to understanding your struggles or differences and to guide the preparation of recommendations for you.

After the office session(s):

  • The psychologist will compile all the information gathered, including scored forms and diagnostic interview information and will make a conclusion regarding diagnosis.
  • The psychologist will then discuss the diagnosis with you and answer any questions you may have.
  • We will prepare a report relaying our findings and recommendations. Where required we will complete form for other services e.g. student disability, DARE. Reports are a time consuming process and can take some time to finalise.

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